The Constellation Body Approach
n. a group or cluster of related things
My unique approach, which I call Constellation Body, evolved over two decades of experience. Underpinned by the Organic Intelligence method, it integrates a variety of modalities to address the full constellation of body, mind, and spirit to help get you moving and feeling more comfortable so you know you can trust your body.

I specialize in helping with:
Back pain
Shoulder pain
Fitness for seniors
Pelvic floor issues
Dancers' needs

I work with:
Social justice warriors
Couch potatoes
Elite athletes
Grandmas and grandpas

Helping you live your purpose
The one trait that unites all of my clients is that they are living their lives for something greater than themselves, and they know they need to take care of themselves in order to do that.
The Constellation Body studio offers you a sanctuary space, an invitation to take time for yourself, to reconnect with your own inner calm and strength.
You don’t have to be thin, super bendy, or Instagramable to benefit from movement training. Come as you are, I’ll help you feel better!
Ready to get started?
I feel the best I've felt since the injury -- it's really incredible. I experienced practically no pain/discomfort all week while skiing and sitting for long periods of time. That's twice you've cured me!
-Lauren K
Thank you so much for all of this. I deeply appreciate it. I am trying not to tear up and failing completely. No one has really listened and given me anything useful to try to work with that might make a difference. I can see already how helpful this is going to be.